Words cannot even begin to describe the performance. Magnificent. Powerful. Dainty. Loud. Awesome. Beautiful. Breathtaking. Passionate.
I was simply blown away. This is one of my favorite compositions and to hear it performed where the conductor clearly pulls so much from the orchestra.
Absolutely stunning. I’m still smiling. And still thanking my pal Dave for inviting me along.
Oh, and as a mention of Dave he suggested the pre-session lecture, which I tend to roll my eyes at and then always end up learning a thing or two. So in this one I learned that Mussorgsky did not shy from complicated tempos and that, as a rather large man, the opening walk on the promenade movement represents how he would actually feel were he the one walking and looking at the pictures.
Seriously - how cool is that?
On a separate topic – my house reeks of mothballs. I realized I had the entire stupid box in my basement, in a plastic bag, but the smell was leeching out. I must have the worst smelling trash in town for tomorrow’s pickup…mothballs and dog dirt. Not bad for a couple of chicks, as they say.