Yesterday was our 10K and we finished in one hour flat, which is a rousing 9:41 min/mile pace. Given that the wind going out was brutal (30 to 35 mph gusts) and that, if not from the front we faced side winds, coupled with a couple of stomach cramps (me), I will take it. And hey, it was the first ever 10K for M and only the second for me. We ran the entire thing and finished together.
And perhaps most importantly, had a great deal of fun as well. We ended our day with a trip to Augusta and Defiance where we checked in on a couple of wineries. We considered paddling but passed because of the wind and because of my shoulder.
I should explain that I have “frozen shoulder.” M and I took Jake for a walk a few weeks ago. I had Jake in my left hand and Jake saw a bunny. Jake took off after the bunny and pulled me down. The brunt of my fall was on my right arm/shoulder and now, it seems, that shoulder is frozen. I start physical therapy tomorrow night and will, I hope, be in great shape to paddle in a few short weeks. At least, that’s how I think therapy should work.
Now I am in search of a 5K after the half-marathon because K has expressed an interest and gosh I would just love to run a race with her. I think – think – think – think she might be starting to catch the running bug. I would so love if one of my girls would run.
As for the house and home, it’s been pretty neglected, but it is spring and things are starting to bloom and I am thinking garden. I’m sure there will be photos coming soon.
Gosh, I am behind on posting. The past 2.5 months have been crazy. We have had Valentine’s Day, two birthdays, a St. Patrick’s Day 5-mile run. I’ve also “committed” to a half-marathon that, apparently, includes plenty of hills. M will join me at the race and will run the 10K that is affiliated with it, which is sweet for me because that means I will have someone to greet me at the finish line.
How spoiled am I?
The half training is, knock wood, going well. There are some gaps – undoubtedly not enough speed work to finish at my goal time, for example – but I am enjoying it. I like the long runs, the distance build, even the hill workouts. All of it, actually. And the explorer that I am is very much looking forward to running on new and different streets for this one.
But first, we have a 10K this weekend. This will be M’s first “timed” race. Since it will also be close to the date of our dating 6 months we will try to finish together, which would be sweet.
Since the last post we have also purchased kayaks. We have talked about a few destinations. I’ll update that as plans firm up.
I'm a married gal who is loving her family and her guy. Both seem to tolerate and sometimes even enjoy my restlessness, curiosity, love of quilting, books, and running.