Gosh, I cannot believe it- but it’s already mid-July. Where has the summer gone? For the past three weeks, either M or I have been on the road. Me to Miami and Pennsylvania and him to Iowa. It’s been crazy, to say the least. My running schedule is sporadic at best because of it and I’m starting to get a bit nervous about the L&C half, though M did sign up so that gives me some good inspiration to keep up my mileage.
We have also signed up for an MBA program, which begins in August. No rest, eh?
But we do find time to have fun. We hiked at Garden of the Gods in Southern Illinois yesterday and it was awesome. The rock formations, the boulders – just breathtaking. My pictures don’t do the scenery justice, but you get the idea.

Am starting to think, btw, that now that we are almost nine months into our relationship I should consider a different blog name. Problem is, I haven’t come up with anything I like better. Or even as well.