But this morning I went to check on it and realized that it had been moved last night and that it was partially unplugged! I plugged it in, turned it on and heat!
Guess I won’t be needing clothes pins any time all too soon. At least I hope not since it is chilly these days.
Yesterday K and I put up the tree. When we went in I saw one for $45. Too much, said I. We saw several that were less, but of course, the beauty we bought was more. As we put the lights on last night I was reminded that this one little piece of Christmas – a simple tree – is what it takes to get me more and more in the mood for the holiday.
The critter battle may be winding down. M came over last night and put a board in the air gap where it appears they were getting in. And this morning I heard something running ON my roof, not in my walls. Fingers crossed and say a prayer, the doggone things may be outside instead of in for the rest of the winter. (Though I think Jake will be a bit sad. It seems he has taken to listening outside the bathroom door every morning for the rustle of critter feet.)
And finally, last night M and I went to dinner for his birthday. As always, a very pleasant evening. Well, with one minor spot (and trust me, when I say minor I mean minor). I had warned him, several times, that I’m pretty uncoordinated. If he wasn’t convinced before last night, he should be convinced now. We played foosball. Ok, I attempted to play and he is quite good. I’m not sure how much I tried his patience, but let’s just say I’m sure it was a challenge for him. Though when I think about it I think it was actually pretty funny. (And I did find out he’s been playing for 10 years and this was maybe the third time in my life that I’ve played. Maybe I get some slack for that?)
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