My week started with a cold wakeup one morning. Ahhhh… heat! I looked at the programmable thermostat and it had no read out. Brrr. I did everything I knew: checked the furnace switch and turned it off and on; flipped the circuit breaker. Nothing. In my mind I’m picturing a huge heating/cooling service bill.
Before I started to look for a heating/cooling company, I looked online and found out that programmable thermostats might have a battery backup. Obviously mine wasn’t working so I took it off the wall. Two, AA batteries. I pulled them out, replaced them, put it back in place and voila! The hum of the furnace!
Yes, I gave myself a high-five!
The week ended with an issue with my bathroom door – it was getting hard and harder to close. I finally looked at the doorframe and the hinge was coming loose. A couple turns of the battery drill and the door is now closing exactly as it should.
Another high-five for me!
I never did update about our trip to M’s hometown to meet his dad. The trip, while a long drive, went well. Meeting his dad made me miss my own. Not that the two men are at all alike but rather I miss having a dad to call or visit periodically. And I’m especially sad that I can’t introduce M and my own dad. Because I don’t want to end this on a somber note I will say that I liked M’s dad and apparently he liked me because he called me “calm.” Kind of cute.
Next weekend a local company is having a kayak show. We will go and perhaps purchase our boats. We are also discussing purchasing a third boat, together, so we can take one of the kids with us if we want. A joint purchase three months into the relationship. Makes me both nervous and excited, but I think more excited.
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