Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Here a Stack, There a Stack, Everywhere a Stack

I realized, just today, that I am a "stacker." I have stacks of stuff, mostly books or at the very least that include a book, everywhere! By my bed, on my dresser, next to my dresser, in my library, in my dining room. Absolutely everywhere. I've also decided it's not a very good decorating trend - the "stack" trend, so am vowing to change my ways.

I started this morning by recycling a number of old magazines that I promised to read, but never quite got to. Then I brought about half a dozen books into work, put them on a table in the break room, and marked them as "free."

Next up, my closet, which has clothes "stacked" on the shelf. Am thinking I will buy some cute bins and use those instead.

And of course, the library, which is a haven for stacks of papers that I need to go through, perhaps want to keep, but never seem to get filed.

If I change my ways now, I suspect M will like it better when we live together. I hope to be a "putter-awayer" by then.

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