"Running should be a lifelong activity. Approach it patiently and intelligently, and it will reward you for a long, long time."
Michael Sargent, M.D.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
The past few weeks, like many this year, have been a bit nuts. Since the 10K, I’ve done a couple of long runs. Last week it was 10-plus miles, lots of hills, and a route that took me down a long, busy, two-lane road. Not a wise move on my part, but at least it was Mother’s Day morning and there wasn’t much traffic. I was pretty beat up at the end, but did recover well so I’m feeling confident about recovering from the half. That M and I have decided to spend an extra night in KC helps. I figure after the half we can enjoy the festivities, then I can go back to the room and sleep before we do whatever one does in the evening in KC (I’m thinking the Plaza for dinner).
We are finding a bit of time to garden and I was so excited to see that one of my peonies bloomed! With just one flower, but that pretty girl is the one on this entry. I filled containers at M’s last weekend and will do the same at my place this weekend. So ready to have them out on the patio, looking pretty!
It’s getting on to late since this gal had a 4 a.m. wakeup call today and has a 5 a.m. tomorrow. More garden pictures coming up!
I'm a married gal who is loving her family and her guy. Both seem to tolerate and sometimes even enjoy my restlessness, curiosity, love of quilting, books, and running.
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