That sums up my weekend.
Saturday was the longest run of my training – 12 miles. Brutal. Not sure why it didn’t feel good. I was rested, hydrated, and fed. The weather, however, was heavy and the sky was cloudy. Maybe it was partially those external forces. Or maybe it was that I’m feeling a bit burnt out at this stage of the training game. There just seem to be so many more things to do other than think about or plan for a long run.
Two more, however, then the half-marathon. After that I’m uncertain. There are plenty more opportunities for half-marathons in the next few months, but gosh, do I want to give up so much to it? I’m just not certain. Of course, I don’t need to decide today either.
Saturday afternoon I finally had some time in my garden. M put in a couple of plants for me (tickseed was one – not sure if I like that name or not, but I do like the plant) and I filled the containers. I still have more to do (always!) and will try to get to that this weekend.
On Sunday, to ensure a full-body workout, M and I went kayaking. We started on the Gasconade River and paddled roughly 7 miles to where the Gasconade meets the Missouri River . Then we paddled another 6 or 7 on the Missouri River, to Hermann, MO. This was my first trip on the Gasconade and second on the Missouri. And my first paddle through a confluence. When I think about it now I should have expected the churning waters where two rivers meet, but of course, I didn’t even give that a thought. Let’s just say, that was the most challenging part of the trip for me. Once we cleared it, however, we had relatively smooth paddling to Hermann.
The Gasconade River, which was up significantly from when we saw it in the spring, is a beautiful, winding river. When we got on we actually paddled upstream for about a distance and it wasn’t too bad. I had my GPS with me and we saw that the current was running about 1.5 mph. It took us about four hours to get from our starting point to the Missouri River. We paddled slowly, took a couple of side routes, and all in all just enjoyed the trip. I must admit, however, since the river was so high the number of places to stop was limited. This means we didn’t get out until we were more than 3 hours into the trip.
The Missouri River was much faster – there were times when the current was moving at 8 mph! We paddled about 6 miles in an hour. Like the Gasconade, the water was high, which made me a bit nervous. Especially when M almost had a run in with a channel marker (buoy). He couldn’t quite get around it so it sort of came up on his boat. He did an excellent job of staying upright. Wow did I feel my eyes get huge when it came up on him, however. We saw one other buoy bobbing along and steered a good distance from it.
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